Word for Wednesday: Relax

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It’s Wednesday, which means that like us, you’re probably halfway through a busy week and already looking forward to the weekend and a real chance to relax.

This week’s Word for Wednesday is relax.

The word comes from the Old French ‘relashier’ meaning to ‘set free’ or ‘reduce’ and ideally, relaxing is just that: setting the burden of thought free for a moment; reducing life to a more simple state. The modern meaning of something ‘becoming less tense’ didn’t arrive until the 20th century.

We should all probably take the time to relax more often in the day. The next time you get a break, do whatever you need to in order to rebalance and clear your head – how about that book you’ve been meaning to read for the past year? Drink a cup of tea and relax your mind a little. Your work will benefit and you’ll feel less under the weather.

We hope you have a relaxing weekend – almost there!

Hugh MacDermott

18 Mar 2015
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