Word for Wednesday: Receive

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Our Word for Wednesday theme for 2023 is tricky spelling words. This year, after sharing the definition and etymology of each week’s word, we will end every blog post with some tips and tricks to help you spell it.

In January, we looked at the words beginningbelievefriend, and quiet. Our first tricky spelling word for February is receive.

If you receive something, it means you accept something that is given to you.

Here is receive used in some example sentences:

  • Did you receive my letter?
  • They received some good news.
  • We will receive our spelling test scores later today.

Receive dates to around 1300 and comes from the Old North French ‘receivre’, from Latin ‘recipere’. The word follows the famous 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' spelling rule. 

Learn more about receive in Unit 21. The 'I' before 'e' rule – does it work? and practise spelling cei words in our word list activities

A quick and easy way to recall how to spell receive is to remember that it is the opposite of give. Both words end in the letters ive.

01 Feb 2023
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