Funeral planning and prefunding

Planning a Funeral Ahead of Time and Prepaying

Why should I plan my funeral ahead of time? Funeral arrangements will be a consideration for us all at some point in time and there are advantages to making them in advance. Funeral planning in advance: Puts you in control of your arrangements and ensures your wishes will be known. Provides social, psychological and emotional […]

Pop Rock Songs for a Funeral Service

Popular Selections for Funeral Songs Note: When available, links are provided to listen to and download digital versions of suggested songs (in MP3 format) from The typical price per download is 89&#162 to 99&#162. Many singers have become icons. As a consequence it is fitting to express a particular generation with one of their hits. Here are a few to consider.

Traditional Songs for a Funeral Service

Other Artists & Selections for Funeral Songs Note: When available, links are provided to listen to and download digital versions of suggested songs (in MP3 format) from The typical price per download is 99&#162.

Country Music Songs for a Funeral Service

Country Western Selections for Funeral Music Note: When available, links are provided to listen to and download digital versions of suggested songs (in MP3 format) from The typical price per download is 99&#162. Just as rock ’n roll is finding its way into funeral services, so too are country tunes. Many of these have less to do with the grieving process than describing the life of the deceased. Some country singers also have roots in gospel.

Spiritual and Inspirational Songs for a Funeral Service

Christian Selections for Funeral Music Note: When available, links are provided to listen to and download digital versions of suggested songs (in MP3 format) from The typical price per download is 89&#162 to 99&#162. Certain religious songs have become standards at Christian funerals.

Broadway Showtunes and Soundtracks for a Funeral Service

Broadway Musical Selections for Funeral Music Note: When available, links are provided to listen to and download digital versions of suggested songs (in MP3 format) from The typical price per download is 89&#162 to 99&#162.

Attending Funeral Services: Your Funeral Etiquette Questions Answered

The Day of the Funeral or Memorial Service Should you attend the funeral? Unless the obituary says it’s a private service, then you can assume the public is welcome, and you should go. Until you’ve lost a family member yourself, you won’t understand what a comfort it is to the family to see “a full church [and] the pews packed with people who also care for and remember the deceased. … The family knows that attending a funeral is inconvenient, and that’s why they’ll never forget that you came.” (from The Art of Manliness)

Native American Natural Burials & Funeral Service Rituals

Native American traditions follow the belief and practice that the natural world is truly sacred. Many religious ceremonies are specifically tied to a specific location, and to harm that place would be contrary to Native American beliefs. Because of this, Native American funeral practices have always been eco-friendly. What are rituals are specific to Native Americans?

Cross-Cultural Funeral Service Rituals

By LaVone V. Hazell, MS, FT, LFD For the past two decades, the traditional funeral rite has been in transition for various reasons: changes in social stratification due to a declining economy and shrinking resources; increased immigration to the United States; neo-local spread of the family to many geographic locations; increased demand for cremations; decline in religious practices and increased secular observances; and a shift from ancestral to contemporary funeral rites.

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