10 Words for … GOOD

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  1. brilliant – very good, beyond what is usual or expected
    We had a brilliant time at the beach.
  2. excellent – very good, extremely high in quality   
    The teacher said my homework was excellent.
  3. exceptional – very good, beyond what is usual or expected  
    The restaurant serves exceptional food.
  4. fabulous – extremely pleasing  
    The teacher was wearing a fabulous green jacket.
  5. fantastic – extremely or extravagantly good  
    He was fantastic in the school play.
  6. marvellous – extremely good, like a miracle
    George concocted a marvellous medicine.
  7. outstanding – very good, extremely high in quality, beyond what is usual or expected
    The team gave an outstanding performance in the relay.
  8. splendid – very good or beautiful, extremely high in quality     
    The gardens were splendid in the summer.
  9. terrific – very good   
    We had a terrific time at the party.
  10. wonderful – extremely good
    My new best friend is a wonderful and kind person.

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10 May 2022
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