Guide to Readings and Poems for Funeral Ceremonies

Whether you’re planning in advance or looking for the proper tribute for a loved one, here you will find suggested readings for numerous occasions and in a variety of forms and styles. A memorial reading can be chosen because it was a favorite, triggers memories of the deceased, pays tribute or helps family and friends communicate emotions.

Selecting Funeral Songs for Ceremonies

At any event, music sets a mood, encourages emotion and welcomes guests. A funeral is no different. During a funeral, music provides a background that invites mourners to mingle and comfort each other. Ideally, musical selections should:

Writing Eulogies

The eulogy is usually the most personal part of a funeral service because it acknowledges the uniqueness of the deceased and his or her meaning to others.

Mexican American Funeral Service Rituals

Since the earliest stages of Mexican culture, Mexicans have embraced death as a part of life. The Mayans and Aztecs were both warriors who practiced human sacrifice — which shows a casual acceptance of death. Combine this ancient belief with the Catholicism that missionaries brought to their country and funeral attendees will see a relaxed, yet deeply religious regard for death.

Baptist Funeral Service Rituals

As a Christian religion, Baptists follow the Christian Bible, believe in the afterlife, and strive to attain a place in Heaven. They believe that Jesus was the Son of God and came to earth to teach through his actions and lessons. The religion was founded in England in the 17th century by John Smyth. Many […]

African American Funeral Service Rituals

Although African Americans are diverse in their religious beliefs, geographic regions, economic status, and family traditions, there are a few aspects of funeral services that are common among American blacks. For example, family members, close friends and even acquaintances are expected to attend the service. In some cases, the service may even be postponed to ensure that everyone can be there.

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