Group Affiliations — Tap into the Potential of Groups

At, we’re developing unique avenues to reach customers. Our services can enhance employee benefit programs, which means you can reach employees in corporations, government offices, and other organizations. Through our affiliations with trade unions and associations, your message travels to their members as well as members’ families.

Today, many employers are supplementing traditional benefits with employee assistance programs (EAPs) to help with personal issues such as child care, elder care, legal matters, and financial planning. We are promoting Funeralwise services as an excellent complement to these EAPs.

Likewise, associations, affinity groups, and clubs strive to offer a wide range of benefits to members. Credit card companies and insurance companies do the same for cardholders and policyholders. We are positioning Funeralwise services as a valuable component of these benefits packages.

How it Works

Groups that affiliate with us can have a customized version of our online funeral planner. For example, a corporate website that provides information to employees concerning benefits and other employment matters could have a link to the corporation’s custom version of our funeral planner. As a planning tool provided by the corporation, their custom version of our funeral planner would feature elements of their corporate image (e.g., logos, icons, images). A trade association could do the same for its members.

Using a custom planner, employees and members of our affiliated groups have easy access to our extensive content and online planning tools. They can use our online directory to find local funeral homes, cemeteries, and other service providers. There is no cost for the group to bring this valuable benefit to their people. In this way, Funeralwise becomes your channel to groups of potential customers.

Preferred Pricing Program

As you know, it is a common business practice for organizations to seek price discounts based on their buying power. They utilize their buying power not only for direct purchases by the organization but also to obtain price discounts on personal purchases by employees and members. As part of our service to affiliated groups, we offer their employees/members preferred pricing on funeral services and merchandise purchased from our Preferred Providers.

You can attract business and gain a competitive advantage by participating in our preferred pricing program. Preferred prices are expressed as percentage discounts on selected goods and services that you offer. This enables you to attract the business of price-sensitive consumers who have the advantage of a group affiliation. Better yet, you do so without undermining your standard pricing to unaffiliated consumers. You are not required to offer preferred pricing to our affiliated groups; it is an optional marketing tool available to our Preferred Providers.

We see this as a win-win situation for customers and providers. The customer benefits, of course, by saving money on quality products and services. You, as the provider, earn business that may not have otherwise come your way. After all, those families that are already firmly committed to you would likely just go directly to your door.

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.