How do I formally welcome guests to a funeral? – Funeralwise Mon, 05 Feb 2024 07:44:46 +0000 en-US <![CDATA[How do I formally welcome guests to a funeral?]]> Mon, 13 Jan 2014 18:15:53 +0000 sy1153 I have been asked to do the “welcoming” at a funeral for this Friday on the 17th of January. I have never heard of this or seen it done. Could you please advise me of the proper wording I should use at the start of the service. Thank you. Sharon

]]> <![CDATA[Reply To: How do I formally welcome guests to a funeral?]]> Mon, 13 Jan 2014 18:57:05 +0000 Jenny Mertes Sharon, the welcoming speech at a funeral or memorial service is simply a few opening remarks to welcome those attending and state why you have gathered. You are setting the tone for the remainder of the service, but you are not giving the main eulogy.

For example, you might start out like this: “I would like to welcome you to this celebration of the life of (NAME), who (passed, entered into rest, went to be with his beloved wife Glenda, went to be with his Savior) on (date). (Name) was a dear friend of mine, and I am very honored to be here today as we remember him and reflect on his life.”

If you have a few more words to add before introducing the next speaker or element of the service (if you’ve been asked to do so), that is fine. I would recommend you write out what you plan to say and ask the person who asked you to speak to review it, to be sure your welcome speech will fit in with the service they have planned.

We would love to hear how the experience turns out for you. Thank you for joining the conversation at!

