Obituary Etiquette for 2 spouses

9 years, 6 months ago

I need to write an obit for my father. He was proceeded in death by 2 wives, the first wife being my mom. What order do I list the wives? Also where do I list the step-children from the second wife?

Jennifer Lane
9 years, 6 months ago

Hello, If your father has no living spouse, then I would list the deceased wives in order, so your mother would be first then the 2nd deceased wife. When you list remaining survivors such as children, start with his biological children (like yourself and any siblings or half-siblings) then follow with the step-children.

If you wish, you can preface the list of children by mother in the obituary “….his children with Mary: Emma, Joe, Sam; his step-children with Angela: Bobby and Susan.”

9 years, 6 months ago


Thank you so much for your help! No we can put one fire out and get on to the others….



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