Funeral Arrangements Archives - Funeralwise See how to plan a funeral, celebrate a life and create a memorial for a loved one. Learn about funeral etiquette and funeral customs. Wed, 13 Jan 2021 16:26:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Location for funeral? Wed, 13 Jan 2021 16:26:29 +0000 Hello, Where is the funeral of an elderly parent supposed to take place? Where the person died? At the location of the widow? At the location of the adult children? What is most appropriate? Thank you

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Where is the funeral of an elderly parent supposed to take place? Where the person died? At the location of the widow? At the location of the adult children? What is most appropriate?

Thank you

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What am I considered? Tue, 12 Jan 2021 20:26:05 +0000 Hi, My husband? Passed Away on 1/3/21. I was married to him for 13 years and we separated 3-4 years ago and I have since been in a serious relationship. I mother his 2 biological boys and his 1 stepson. He and I were barely on talking terms, my current partner and my (husband) spoke […]

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Hi, My husband? Passed Away on 1/3/21.

I was married to him for 13 years and we separated 3-4 years ago and I have since been in a serious relationship. I mother his 2 biological boys and his 1 stepson. He and I were barely on talking terms, my current partner and my (husband) spoke fluidly. So now he has passed and I feel that I am responsible for everything as I would if he and I were still together, especially since we are still legally married.

His Mother & Brother have not verbalized they disagree, but I can feel some tension between his mother and I when making decisions regarding his cremation, etc.

I am reaching out to see 1, what is my title? If his Mom and I end up in a dispute, who is the ultimate deciding factor? Who should have the right to his remains and basically to be the final on decisions?

So far, I am being referred to as his next of kin. He has even though separated for 3-4 years listed me as emergency contact for everything. So that leads me to believe I should be making decisions and have final say. I just really don’t want to hurt his mothers feelings or step on her toes. So far we have been okay, but we are getting ready to get his remains and I would like to start planning his memorial and want to make sure I don’t make a miss step.

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Cremation authorization question Thu, 08 Aug 2019 10:39:55 +0000 My father passed away two days ago, and I was contacted by the funeral home that is handling the arrangements. They told me that I, as one of his next of kin, have to sign an authorization for him to be cremated. When they sent me the forms via email to sign online, there were […]

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My father passed away two days ago, and I was contacted by the funeral home that is handling the arrangements. They told me that I, as one of his next of kin, have to sign an authorization for him to be cremated. When they sent me the forms via email to sign online, there were also payment agreement forms. The software they use does not allow you to just sign the authorization form, you have to sign the payment agreement forms as well, or it will not allow you to send them back to the funeral home. When called, the funeral home says my younger sister (whom my father has resided with for many years) has paid the costs, but we have to sign the payment agreement forms anyway. I am involved in bankruptcy at the moment and cannot sign any forms that state I am responsible for payment without the court’s approval. Even if they are being truthful, that my sister has paid, it will still take weeks to get the court to approve my signing the forms. When I asked if they could just resend the paperwork with the cremation authorization only, they called instead of replying by email and refused to send just the cremation authorization forms. They said, “Just sign all the forms so we can cremate your father.” I have refused to sign them, as they are trying to coerce me into breaking the law. My question is… is it common for funeral homes to refuse to let you sign just the cremation authorization without an agreement for payment?

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Open-casket visitations or wakes in Churches? Tue, 06 Aug 2019 19:01:45 +0000 Are open-casket visitations or wakes often held in churches? If so, are funeral directors present?

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Are open-casket visitations or wakes often held in churches? If so, are funeral directors present?

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Can I suggest particular arrangements for a funeral? Wed, 10 Jan 2018 14:07:20 +0000 When I’m planning a funeral for someone and I want something done for example like buying white flowers do I need to ask the funeral director for permission and can the funeral director make any arrangements without my permission?

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When I’m planning a funeral for someone and I want something done for example like buying white flowers do I need to ask the funeral director for permission and can the funeral director make any arrangements without my permission?

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