Cremation Archives - Funeralwise See how to plan a funeral, celebrate a life and create a memorial for a loved one. Learn about funeral etiquette and funeral customs. Sun, 24 May 2020 22:55:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Urn on top of parents grave Sun, 24 May 2020 22:55:56 +0000 Can an urn be buried on top of a gravesite? I am single and would like to be buried in the same grave as my parents. It is a catholic cemetary so not sure of the process and I want to plan now. Thanks

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Can an urn be buried on top of a gravesite? I am single and would like to be buried in the same grave as my parents. It is a catholic cemetary so not sure of the process and I want to plan now. Thanks

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Changes after preplan/pay (Pennsylvania) Tue, 31 Mar 2020 21:02:26 +0000 So my brother pre-paid and pre-arranged his funeral. He wanted to be buried. The day of his funeral his estranged son came and claimed the ashes even though the plan was for burial. Did he have a right to do that, and was it handled wrong by the funeral home. Basically we all had to […]

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So my brother pre-paid and pre-arranged his funeral. He wanted to be buried. The day of his funeral his estranged son came and claimed the ashes even though the plan was for burial. Did he have a right to do that, and was it handled wrong by the funeral home. Basically we all had to leave without going to cemetery. Grave was dug up and was paid for

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Cremation authorization question Thu, 08 Aug 2019 10:39:55 +0000 My father passed away two days ago, and I was contacted by the funeral home that is handling the arrangements. They told me that I, as one of his next of kin, have to sign an authorization for him to be cremated. When they sent me the forms via email to sign online, there were […]

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My father passed away two days ago, and I was contacted by the funeral home that is handling the arrangements. They told me that I, as one of his next of kin, have to sign an authorization for him to be cremated. When they sent me the forms via email to sign online, there were also payment agreement forms. The software they use does not allow you to just sign the authorization form, you have to sign the payment agreement forms as well, or it will not allow you to send them back to the funeral home. When called, the funeral home says my younger sister (whom my father has resided with for many years) has paid the costs, but we have to sign the payment agreement forms anyway. I am involved in bankruptcy at the moment and cannot sign any forms that state I am responsible for payment without the court’s approval. Even if they are being truthful, that my sister has paid, it will still take weeks to get the court to approve my signing the forms. When I asked if they could just resend the paperwork with the cremation authorization only, they called instead of replying by email and refused to send just the cremation authorization forms. They said, “Just sign all the forms so we can cremate your father.” I have refused to sign them, as they are trying to coerce me into breaking the law. My question is… is it common for funeral homes to refuse to let you sign just the cremation authorization without an agreement for payment?

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Can a deceased person have more than 1 burial plot? Tue, 09 Jul 2019 21:42:00 +0000 My father passed away in January 2019, and I’m his next of kin and I’m the one who has/had set up his burial services. He had no funeral plans made at the time of his passing. I knew my father wanted to be cremated, so I got him cremated. Since my dad was a veteran, […]

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My father passed away in January 2019, and I’m his next of kin and I’m the one who has/had set up his burial services. He had no funeral plans made at the time of his passing. I knew my father wanted to be cremated, so I got him cremated. Since my dad was a veteran, the veteran cemetery is holding a place for him so I can bury his ashes when I’m ready to bury him. My aunt (his sister), is saying she will be purchasing a plot for my dad at a different cemetery. I question is can my deceased father have 2 different plots, one in a veteran cemetery and one not in a veteran cemetery? This is taking place in Iowa if that helps

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Cremation with previously deceased person Mon, 03 Jun 2019 16:49:20 +0000 I’m am preplanning my sister’s cremation. Her son was cremated 4 years ago and she wants to be combined with him and put in the ocean with him. Is this possible and what would the cost be? We reside in miami FL

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I’m am preplanning my sister’s cremation. Her son was cremated 4 years ago and she wants to be combined with him and put in the ocean with him. Is this possible and what would the cost be? We reside in miami FL

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Cancel cremation Fri, 22 Mar 2019 10:48:00 +0000 In 2017, I went with my mom, trying to be proactive, to a cremation center. They asked for my mom’s insurance policy & they used/spent every penny of the policy. We had never been to one. Didn’t shop around. I just found out that a cremation costs about $2000+/-. We could’ve paid that out of […]

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In 2017, I went with my mom, trying to be proactive, to a cremation center. They asked for my mom’s insurance policy & they used/spent every penny of the policy. We had never been to one. Didn’t shop around. I just found out that a cremation costs about $2000+/-. We could’ve paid that out of pocket then & now. My mom wants to cancel it & pay it in full instead, but the paperwork states that it’s irrevocable & I would need to go to court to get it cancelled. What are the chances that I can do so? Why did they spend every penny & upsell everything when it could’ve just been what she asked for & not what they talked her/us into?

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Can ashes be buried in the same grave? Thu, 06 Dec 2018 16:12:59 +0000 Mom recently passed and per their request Moms ashes were placed in the earth where Dad’s were in their plot. My question is when I pass and I am cremated can my ashes be buried with them? There is no casket on the plot.

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Mom recently passed and per their request Moms ashes were placed in the earth where Dad’s were in their plot. My question is when I pass and I am cremated can my ashes be buried with them? There is no casket on the plot.

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Cremation burial at cemetery Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:27:02 +0000 I am planning my fathers cremation burial and have questions about cemetery fees.  He will be cremated and buried on top of his twin brothers casket.  Is it common to have these 3 fees? Second Right of Interment (which I understand this fee) Initial Fee for Interment (why) Final Interment/Entombment/Inurnment Fee (why) Seems like all […]

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I am planning my fathers cremation burial and have questions about cemetery fees.  He will be cremated and buried on top of his twin brothers casket.  Is it common to have these 3 fees?

Second Right of Interment (which I understand this fee)

Initial Fee for Interment (why)

Final Interment/Entombment/Inurnment Fee (why)

Seems like all 3 are the same.

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Sending our Son’s ashes with my Father-In-Law in his casket…. Mon, 21 Aug 2017 11:09:23 +0000 Hello, My husband just recently lost his Dad and best friend in a tragic logging accident. Our Son was stillborn on 9/10/2014 whom which we had cremated. We never held an actual memorial for him with close family and friends and it has been weighing on both of us. We wanted it to be just […]

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My husband just recently lost his Dad and best friend in a tragic logging accident. Our Son was stillborn on 9/10/2014 whom which we had cremated.
We never held an actual memorial for him with close family and friends and it has been weighing on both of us. We wanted it to be just right & with our property still being under development, we didn’t want to do anything until it could be permanent. When my Father-In-Law passed away, immediately my husband said, “Now Dad can take our Baby Home!”. Myself and the rest of the family also felt that was the greatest idea. We would like to put our sons ashes in with my father-in-law’s casket. My husbands family and I all agree that this would be a great tribute including our son. Including, meaning to put our sons urn into my Father-In-Law’s casket. Is this something that is often done or uncommon? His Dad was very well-known in the community and logging industry and we expect a lot of people to attend the funeral; therefore, we were planning to wait to include our sons memory at the graveside ceremony. Is this an uncommon thing, has it been done before, and do you have any tips and or ideas on how to incorporate the two without taking away from his Dad’s Service?! Also, any quotes, poems and or sayings that would incorporate the both of them? For obvious reasons, I am struggling with getting something prepared and written up to have read aloud in two days. Any information, resources, and or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Katie A. Davis

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