Obituaries/Eulogies Archives - Funeralwise See how to plan a funeral, celebrate a life and create a memorial for a loved one. Learn about funeral etiquette and funeral customs. Thu, 26 Oct 2023 23:39:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Include Girlfriend and Wife in Obit and Funeral Program? Fri, 28 Jan 2022 18:48:31 +0000 Hi! My friend’s boyfriend of 15-years passed away. He has a wife but they’d been separated for over 16 years. Because of this, the wife has allowed the girlfriend to plan the services (and I’m helping her). Any ideas on how to acknowledge both relationships in the obit and funeral program? They both have one […]

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Hi! My friend’s boyfriend of 15-years passed away. He has a wife but they’d been separated for over 16 years. Because of this, the wife has allowed the girlfriend to plan the services (and I’m helping her).

Any ideas on how to acknowledge both relationships in the obit and funeral program? They both have one son with the deceased man.

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How to write an obituary with two marriages Mon, 05 Oct 2020 13:23:20 +0000 Hi – My father passed and I’m writing his obituary. I read other threads about listing spouses & children from more than 1 marriage – that’s helpful but not my exact question. In the obituary section about his life “timeline” I want to mention his first marriage and his second marriage – but I can’t […]

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Hi – My father passed and I’m writing his obituary. I read other threads about listing spouses & children from more than 1 marriage – that’s helpful but not my exact question. In the obituary section about his life “timeline” I want to mention his first marriage and his second marriage – but I can’t figure out how to “delicately” manage the transition from the divorce of his first wife to marriage of his second wife. Can you help? (a few context comments: the first wife passed years ago, the second wife is still alive (though they divorced as well) & all the siblings (from both marriages) get along & agree that both marriages should be acknowledged in the obit). Thanks

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Identifying step children Wed, 22 Apr 2020 18:15:09 +0000 How to list stepchildren in obituary?

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How to list stepchildren in obituary?

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Mother’s married twice. How do we list her name? Sat, 25 Jan 2020 01:36:05 +0000 1st husband died in 2002 after 60+ years of marriage. Re-married 9 years now. How do we list her name in an obituary? eg. Jane Doe (nee Smith).

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1st husband died in 2002 after 60+ years of marriage. Re-married 9 years now. How do we list her name in an obituary? eg. Jane Doe (nee Smith).

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How to define this crazy relationship!? Tue, 21 Jan 2020 11:54:04 +0000 Ok so they were married for a good 15+ years and then they divorced for two and were remarried. They then separated living in different houses BUT still dated for the remainder of the time and remained married. We have NO idea how to address this. They both developed dementia and Alzheimer’s at the same […]

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Ok so they were married for a good 15+ years and then they divorced for two and were remarried. They then separated living in different houses BUT still dated for the remainder of the time and remained married. We have NO idea how to address this. They both developed dementia and Alzheimer’s at the same time. We lost her first and his Alzheimer’s was too progressed for him to ‘explain’ or define their relationship and now he has passed away and we are having a rough time deciding what we could write appropriately for the entire family on both sides. There are some ill feelings between some family members towards the two deceased but it is HIS obituary not theirs and they weren’t there for it all and we are trying to handle this as sensitively as possibly.

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Obituary how to list children of different fathers and a deceased ex husband Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:46:29 +0000 Hello… my mother passed away a few days ago and I’m needing some guidance on how to list her 4 children. She has one child from someone she wasn’t married to and her last three she was married to their father. However, they did divorce and he has recently passed as well. I’m writing her […]

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Hello… my mother passed away a few days ago and I’m needing some guidance on how to list her 4 children. She has one child from someone she wasn’t married to and her last three she was married to their father. However, they did divorce and he has recently passed as well. I’m writing her obituary and any help would be appreciated. Thank you

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Parents Not Married Wed, 11 Sep 2019 16:36:42 +0000 My aunt passed and I’d like to know how to list the father of her children since they were not married.

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My aunt passed and I’d like to know how to list the father of her children since they were not married.

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Approaching a Funeral Home about Incorrect Information Sun, 30 Dec 2018 11:58:53 +0000 I work with a local non-profit and we were notified a local resident left money in her will to our organization. In the funeral home’s online obituary for the individual, they did note the deceased wanted donations sent to our organization, but the PO Box is incorrect. How do we tactfully approach the funeral home […]

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I work with a local non-profit and we were notified a local resident left money in her will to our organization. In the funeral home’s online obituary for the individual, they did note the deceased wanted donations sent to our organization, but the PO Box is incorrect. How do we tactfully approach the funeral home to correct this so we don’t look tacky. I am sure people making donations don’t want to have to send a second check.

Thank you-
Katie Dukeshire

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Multiple parents in Eulogy Wed, 12 Sep 2018 14:07:30 +0000 How do you include multiple parents in a eulogy that shows respect and endearment? I have a loving and close relationship with my biological father, step father who helped to raise me and I refer to as my dad and a stepfather who has been married to my mom for over 30 years and has […]

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How do you include multiple parents in a eulogy that shows respect and endearment? I have a loving and close relationship with my biological father, step father who helped to raise me and I refer to as my dad and a stepfather who has been married to my mom for over 30 years and has been there for me. I’m mostly concerned about my stepfather who calls me his daughter and who I call dad.

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How do I include a previously passed away spouse in obituary Sun, 26 Nov 2017 16:48:45 +0000 My father has just passed away and I am charged with writing his obituary.  In his life time his had 3 spouses the first the mother of his 2 children but they divorced after 14 years but she passed away a few years ago.  His 2nd wife he was married to for 27 years and […]

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My father has just passed away and I am charged with writing his obituary.  In his life time his had 3 spouses the first the mother of his 2 children but they divorced after 14 years but she passed away a few years ago.  His 2nd wife he was married to for 27 years and although they did not have children she had 2 children from a previous marriage and he was for all intents and purposes grandfather to their children, that wife passed away 15 years ago and then he married his 3rd wife who again no children together but grandchildren and she even had great grand children they were only married 13 years at time of his passing.  How do i include everyone and not offend her?  I know it is unusual to list previous spouses let alone previous spouses who have passed away but it does not seem right to not.  I want my mom because I want it clear that my brother and I were the product of their marriage and not others, and his second wife was the love of his life how do I not include that part of him but his 3rd wife took care of him in the end, I am so not sure how to do this.

This is what I was thinking:

preceded in death by parents and some siblings and the former wife and mother of his children “lll” and wife “hjkl”.

then under survived by

his current wife, his children, his step children (all of them listed in one grouping?) and then siblings

for grandchildren I was thinking just putting a grand total number or should I list them all and which lifetime they belonged to?


Thank you in advance for help I am just tortured trying to do the right thing by all of them and properly honor him as well.


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